Grandparents Matter
“A grandparent is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend.” ~ Unknown
Papa Eagle and his grandson, Ethan.
Do you have fond memories of spending time with your grandparents as a child? I wish that I did. I never met my paternal grandparents, as they were deceased before I was born. My maternal grandfather was deceased as well, but I did meet my maternal grandmother- once. I believe I was about five years old. She didn’t speak English well, and I’m not even sure of her age. I can remember not wanting to kiss her wrinkles, and I annoyed her by flipping a bathroom light switch up and down rapidly while she was trying to nap nearby. And those are my only memories of my one living grandparent.
However, I did see my parents become grandparents to my niece and my first-born son. My dad was the sole grandparent to meet my second son, but only for a little while. In their unique way, my parents spoiled their grandchildren and spent as much time as possible with each of them. Favorite snacks, extra toys, secret cash for their piggy banks - all the extras that grandchildren love.
Grandparents play a crucial role in the lives of many families. They provide love, support, and wisdom that can only come from years of experience. Grandparents often serve as a link to the past, sharing stories and traditions that help to connect younger generations to their heritage. They also offer different perspectives on life, offering guidance and advice based on their experiences. Grandparents can also provide their grandchildren with a sense of stability and security, creating a solid bond that can grow stronger over time. Grandparents are essential because they help to develop a sense of family unity and provide a valuable source of love and support for their grandchildren.
When writing Ethan’s Word of Honor, I knew I wanted to showcase the special bond between grandfather and grandson. Ethan is my oldest son’s middle name, and he called my dad Papa. My son was the first male in the family, so he and my dad spent much time together. They played golf, shopped for Legos, ate too many waffles, and shared quality time. I knew I had to weave their relationship into this book. As a first-time grandmother, I’m enjoying bonding with my grandson and experiencing him grow and develop his personality. I’ve seen a meme that says grandparents not only form a new connection with their grandchildren but also relive and recall those memories of their children progressing and learning. I believe this to be true.
Are you curious about Papa and Ethan? Is your grandfather or one you know “a little bit teacher?” Head HERE to read about how Papa helps Ethan Eagle learn and understand the value of honor.
Nana Needs A Nap, a previously published book of mine, is a hilariously accurate story about a grandmother's energy and enthusiasm as she spends time with her grandchildren. She insists she will rest, but does she ever get to nap?
Celebrate your grandparents and happy reading!